Desks & Tables

Create an intentional learning space with the aim being to give children the opportunity to choose how they learn best. Elizabeth Richards can help you achieve that goal with a wide range of desks – everything from adjustable Stand-up Desks to Lap Desks and kid-powered Pedal Desks. We are flexible furniture innovators and can help you transform your classroom into a dynamic learning space.  read more...

10 Products

Desks & Tables

Student Lap Desk - Pack of 4
Best Seller
Student lap desk - pack of 4
$48.35 $43.95 Ex. GST

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Flexi Desk
Best Seller
Flexi desk
$43.95 $39.95 Ex. GST

Customer Reviews

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Dry Erase Folding Lap Desk
Available soon
Best Seller
Available soon Dry erase folding lap desk
$54.95 $49.95 Ex. GST

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Student Lap Desk - Colours of Australia (Pack of 5)
Best Seller
Student lap desk - colours of australia (pack of 5)
$65.95 $59.95 Ex. GST

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Pedal Desk
Available soon
Available soon Pedal desk
$725.95 $659.95 Ex. GST

Customer Reviews

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Dry Erase Jellybean Table
Available soon
Available soon Dry erase jellybean table
$582.95 $529.95 Ex. GST

Customer Reviews

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Dry Erase Collaborative Table
Available soon
Available soon Dry erase collaborative table
$346.45 $314.95 Ex. GST
Senior pedal desk
$824.95 $749.95 Ex. GST
Aboriginal flag table
$989.84 $899.85 Ex. GST
Mobile teaching lectern
$197.95 $179.95 Ex. GST

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