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The Elizabeth Richards Loyalty Program
The Elizabeth Richards Loyalty Program is our way of thanking you for being loyal customers. Whenever you make a purchase, your loyalty points will automatically be added to your account – it's that easy!

When you have accumulated enough points to unlock a coupon/voucher you will be notified by email.
You can click on the link in your email and you will go to your Customer Portal. You will see that there is a voucher there for you.
You can then redeem the voucher online.
Once you have clicked 'claim' on your coupon, you must use your voucher within 30 days.
If you don't wish to use your voucher within 30 days, simply leave your points in your account and do NOT click 'claim'. Your points will then accumulate until you are ready to exchange them to unlock bigger and better vouchers as they continue to grow.
Only one voucher/code per purchase.
One of the things we love about you is that you let your teacher friends know about Elizabeth Richards products. We think that deserves a thank you!
We will give you 100 points every time you refer a friend and they make a purchase. That's $10 off for you each time a referred friend purchases AND, we'll give your friend $20 off their first order as an introduction to Elizabeth Richards.

It's so easy to check your rewards points balance, click on the 'check rewards' button on the bottom right of this page. Then simply log in and you'll see your rewards balance - happy shopping!