Fraction Segments
Fraction Segments
Fraction Segments

Fraction segments

$34.05 $0.00
$30.95 Ex. GST

Help your child better understand how fractions work with this set of magnetic Fraction Segments!

Fraction Segments can help teach children fraction concepts such as parts to a whole, equivalents and comparisons. Each fraction is a segment of a circle to visually show how fractions can describe part of a group. Each fraction segment is a different size and is colour-coded to represent how different fractions can make up a whole circle. Fraction Segments can be used on any magnetic surface.


  • Whole measures 10cm.

Year Level:

  • 2 - 3

Other Products in Range:

Freight Charges
  • A flat rate shipping and handling charge of $9.00 Ex. GST applies to all orders (excluding bulky and oversized items).
  • Please note we do not ship internationally.
  • Selected items will incur heavy or oversize fee. This fee is set at a maximum of $100 Ex. GST regardless of the number of heavy or oversize items in your cart.
  • Please note we do not ship to PO Boxes, Parcel Lockers or Private/Locked Bags.

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